Welcome to the Safe Zone Program

The Safe Zone Ally program is a voluntary program of trained students, faculty, staff, and administrators.  A person displaying the program symbol has completed an educational training to develop a greater awareness of issues affecting students of all genders and sexual identities.  Safe Zone trainings and on-going learning opportunities are presented through an intersectional, racial justice framework to encourage participants to engage in conversations about the impacts of heterosexism, homophobia, transphobia, and racism.​

Those who are trained have agreed to be active, visible, and supportive allies. Any individual seeking help can talk to a Safe Zone ally in a confidential and supportive environment.​

The SF State Safe Zone Ally Program recognizes that queer rights and racial justice are inextricably combined.  The fight for LGBTQIA+ rights would not exist without the Stonewall Riots, a movement led by Black, trans women who protested against police brutality.  Each year, the Safe Zone Ally Program prioritizes queer allyship and racial justice as we focus and refocus our ally educational efforts to best meet that goal.  Whether in our outreach and programming, trainings, or advocacy actions, we are mindful each step of the way of developing strategies that address systemic change regarding queer rights and racial and ethnic inequity.  

  1. To foster a campus environment that is inclusive, equitable, and supports retention and the academic, professional and social success of all students.​
  2. To increase visibility of student leaders, faculty, staff, and administrators who wish to act as active allies to students of all gender and sexual identities.​
  3. To increase the opportunities for student leaders, faculty, staff, and administrators to support an equitable and non-discriminatory campus and community environment.​
  4. To educate members of the university community on the needs and concerns of students of all gender and sexual identities that honors the intersections of their identities.​
  5. To provide support, information, and resources to students struggling with issues of prejudice, stigma, homophobia, transphobia, racism, and other discriminatory behaviors based on one’s actual or perceived gender and/or sexual Identity​
  6. To advance the university's commitment to social justice and equity and honoring student diversity.

Interested in learning more about the Safe Zone program? Want to find out how you can get involved?